EN 50126 and IEC 62278 are identical and published by Cenelec and IEC respectively.
EN 50126 is about Safety Management Systems in Railway Projects.
There exists two closely related standards:
EN 50128 / IEC 62279 are about Safety Software Management.
EN 50129 / IEC 62425 are about proving the safety of a product in a Safety Case.
They are originally Cenelec standards, mentioned in most European railway contracts.
They are not particularly readable. You can get a little wiser by reading e.g. the "Guide to EN 50126" (TR 50126-2).
A selected number of the posts on this blog have been compiled and linked into a "Quick guide to EN 50126". These blogs summarizes experiences achieved from:
- Cross-european railway projects,
- teaching in Safety Management and
- being a Cenelec Working Group member.
Other posts are inspired by readers who wrote a mail or just a subject that was discussed that day.
Feel free to use the blog!
Click here for jumping to the first chapter >> 1.1 Definition of Safety Management
Troels Winther