Mr. Mairhofer Stefan, Fachhochschule OÖ Campus Wels, has kindly send the interesting information below.
The slides were presented at a workshop regarding upcoming European standards in Brunswick in week 49/2008.
The revision of the EN 50126-suite will be updated by 80 people in Cenelec working group TC9X/WG14 from May 2008 to app. 2011.
As discussed in blogpost Welcome and How are the standards being produced; EN 50126, 128 and 129 have to be interpreted.
The coming revision will try to make the EN 5012X suite more coherent. For the pedantically person, the current versions of EN 50126:1999, EN 50128:2001 and EN 50129:2003 are inconsistent when they are read closely. Some of the issues will be handled in the next revision:
Example 1: EN 50129 states in its scope that it does not cover SIL0 systems while EN 50128 says it covers SIL0 systems.
Example 2: EN 50129 only covers the safety case of signalling systems, but it is used for all types of railway systems (e.g. trains, level crossings, etc.)
Example 3: The determination of a SIL level of a safety function requires long-haired mathematical exercises, which can cause misunderstanding.
Example 4: There are some inconsistency regarding the definitions (e.g. safety critical functions vs. safety functions).
Example 5: The European EN 50126 suite has to be coherent with the worldwide IEC 61508 because of the “Dresden agreement“.
The standards will be compiled into one standard as shown above.
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Special thanks to Mr. Stephan Griebel, Siemens AG for his informative slides.
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